Pacvue 2024 Prime Day Benchmark Report
Interactive Explorer
Explore performance data from Amazon Prime Day 2024 in our benchmark report, which compiles eCommerce advertising data from thousands of brands across every major product category. With in-depth data and benchmarks provided, this report equips you with the necessary tools to evaluate your performance and gain insight into the latest industry trends.

Amazon Ads U.S. Trends
Prime Day Ad Spend increased 26.3% compared to last year with advertisers leaning heavily into Sponsored Product ads, receiving 78% of overall ad budgets. CPC increased 7.6%, indicating higher competition across the board.

Amazon Ads European Trends
Brands selling on Amazon in European markets, including the United Kingdom, France, Spain, Italy, and Germany, significantly increased ad spending during Prime Day 2024, increasing 36.8% year-over-year, a higher increase in spend compared to the US which only saw a 26.3% increase.

Amazon Ads DSP Trends
More brands are turning to DSP, and the 39% year-overyear increase in ad spend on DSP shows the growing popularity of the ad type. In the week leading up to Prime Day, DSP ads spending increased by 135.4%.

Category Trends
Some categories leaned into the Prime Day hype while others chose not to compete. The Toys & Games category saw a massive 191.4% increase in ad spend year-over-year. The only category to see a decline in ad spend year-over-year is Tools & Home Improvement, decreasing by -10.5%.