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How BetterBody Foods improved ROAS by 28% on Instacart 

How BetterBody Foods improved ROAS by 28% on Instacart 


BetterBody Foods established a strong presence on Amazon but looked to capitalize on the growing eCommerce market by improving Instacart ads performance, as well as on other online grocery channels. BetterBody Foods’ advertisers needed a way to manage eCommerce campaigns across multiple marketplaces while setting more granular benchmarks and rules. Using Pacvue’s advertising automation capabilities, BetterBody Foods increased ROAS by 28%.

The Solution 

Using Pacvue’s keyword research, rule-based optimization, dayparting, and Share of Voice tools, BetterBody Foods created campaign groupings based on brand, and then further segmented by branded, category, and competitor keyword targeting. The main goal of working with an eCommerce ad management tool was to increase ROAS on Instacart to more efficiently spend in this growing platform.   

The Results 

In the first month of optimizing Instacart campaigns, BetterBody Foods: 

Identified New Opportunities With Keyword Research for Increased Sales

Using Pacvue’s keyword research tool, BetterBody Foods identified long-tail keywords in the keto-friendly products category, where they could be competitive at an efficient CPC. They also identified opportunities in the cooking oils category, where competitors had strong organic share but low paid share. 

These opportunities allowed BetterBody Foods to target keywords and Featured Products placements to optimize for more presence on page one of Instacart search results across their product line. Focusing on achieving a higher win rate for these campaigns also helped increase ROAS, sales, and product visibility.   

Launched Automated, Rules-based Keyword Optimization for Higher ROAS

Keyword and ad group rules helped automate increases and decreases in bids based on performance. Using Pacvue’s keyword bid optimization tools, BetterBody Foods implemented negative keyword targeting for competitor terms in branded campaigns and reduced inefficient ad spend by decreasing bids on high-volume keywords with a low ROAS. Rules also allowed them to set keywords to the Suggested Bid when there were few impressions and bid strength was low. When they achieved a higher ROAS and CTR, they automatically increased bids.   

Managed Ads Across Multiple Marketplaces For Maximum Efficiency

BetterBody Foods’ main priority was to improve Instacart performance as part of their larger eCommerce ad strategy. This required robust, custom reporting and campaign management tools to maintain separate but complementary ad strategies on Amazon, Instacart, and Criteo. Pacvue’s precise automation and flexible reporting helped scale up their ad campaigns without sacrificing performance or intelligence. 

As a result, BetterBody Foods improved return on ad spend (ROAS) by 28% and reduced cost-per-click (CPC) by 27%. 

“Pacvue’s platform is a great solution for any CPG brand looking to maximize results for marketplace advertising efforts. They are constantly adding additional features and supporting additional e-commerce platforms. At BetterBody Foods we have seen strong success using Pacvue as our primarily SAAS platform for PPC advertising on Instacart, Amazon, and most recently Criteo.” – Austin Roper, Director of Marketing at BetterBody Foods 

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