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CPG brand saves time and prevents revenue leakage with Pacvue Commerce

CPG brand saves time and prevents revenue leakage with Pacvue Commerce


A health & wellness CPG brand with product cost of goods sold at $40+ million was having trouble solving for inefficiencies in their ticketing process. The brand turned to Pacvue Commerce’s key Alert feature to leverage ticket automation, which provided actionable recommendations and resolutions that saved a tremendous amount of time and prevented revenue leakage. 

The Results

Results are estimated for a 12-month time period. 

Time Savings 

The brand discovered that 91% of tickets were resolved using automation within one day from filing in one month of ticketing automation. A whopping 68 out of 74 tickets were resolved without any human intervention. That equates to 22 hours of time saved. And when extrapolated over one year’s time, this can be estimated at approximately 800 tickets and over 260 hours of capacity savings for the team. 

Revenue Leakage 

In just one month, the brand gained a 24–48-hour faster resolution time compared to their previous process, resulting in almost $23,000 in prevented revenue leakage. The estimated savings in prevented revenue leakage over one year’s time is an eye-opening $275,000. 

Thanks to Pacvue Commerce’s automation and ticketing optimization capabilities, the brand saw a 3% increase of Buy Box ownership in comparison to the month prior to using this end-to-end eCommerce management platform.   

Margin Expansion 

When compared to the brand’s current advertising mix, the advertising integration drove up to a 5% margin in improvement opportunity due to the ASIN level profitability insights from Pacvue Commerce. 

Businesses can gain millions by protecting revenue, growing margins, and saving time with Pacvue Commerce. 

Reach out to see how much we can generate for your business. 

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