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2022 Black Friday & Cyber Monday Ads Guide for Walmart and Amazon

  • October 25, 2022

To help your brand have the most successful Black Friday and Cyber Monday promotions, Pacvue has created an Amazon and Walmart advertising prep guide to help crush goals this season.

In this guide, find the best ideas, insights, and strategies to help prepare for the busiest online shopping period of the year.

Some key trends from Cyber 5 2021 include:

  • Both Sponsored Products and Sponsored Brands ad spending followed similar curves to the previous three years, with spend rising the day before Thanksgiving and remaining elevated over the Cyber 5 weekend.
  • Looking at Week-over-week data, Sponsored Products and Sponsored Brands ads spend jumped significantly on Black Friday and on Cyber Monday.
  • Typically, a significant spend driver, Cyber Monday saw only a modest increase over Black Friday in 2021, with advertisers spending 2.48% more on Cyber Monday than Black Friday for Sponsored Products and 2.00% more for Sponsored Brands.

… and more! Download this guide to see other trends and pro tips to prepare.

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