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Maximizing Your Reach: An Introduction to Walmart Onsite Display

In today's competitive digital landscape, capturing shoppers' attention in the right place at the right time is crucial. Walmart Onsite Display offers advertisers a way for brands looking to engage customers and drive conversions.

With robust targeting options, flexible budgets, and real-time campaign management, Walmart Onsite Display helps create ads that can reach both online and in-store customers.

Join Joseph McBurney, Sr. Retail Media Display Manager – Pacvue, Erin Hock, Senior Product Marketing Manager – Walmart Onsite Display, and Masha Liapunin, Product Marketing Manager – Walmart Onsite Display, on September 10, 2024 to learn:

  • Introduction to Walmart Onsite Display, including inventory and page types, auction pricing, and benefits
  • How to unlock value, drive efficiencies, and reach more customers with Walmart Onsite Display
  • Best practices when launching and managing your own Walmart Onsite Display campaigns

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